Wrekin Products Limited recognises that our commercial and corporate activities have impacts on our stakeholders; those individuals or groups affected directly or indirectly by our activities and achivements.
As a socially responsible organisation, out stakeholders have a right to expect:
- Products manufactured and sourced by the company are produced under working conditions that are both safe and hygienic.
- All workers involved in the production and supply chain of our products are treated with full consideration of their basic human rights.
- The company to operate in an ethical manner above and beyond minimum legal requirements
The Policy
This policy sets out our commitment to our stakeholders, settings out the measure we are taking to ensure we are acting in an ethical manner.
1. Shareholder
Wrekin Products Limited is committed to balancing the ethical and social components of our business, whilst building shareholder value. We recognise that our ethical and social performance and reputation is a key part of our overall commercial success.
2. Employees
We are committed to ensuring that our personnel policy practices and the enforcement of company rules ensure the protection of the rights of all those who work for Wrekin Products Limited. We aim to operate above the minimum legal requirements to ensure that our employees are safe, rewarded and valued.
3. Customers
Wrekin Products Limited is committed to communicating its ethical and social responsibility credentials to enable its customers to make informed choices about the products they purchase. In addition, we recognise and are committed to meeting the ethical and social responsibility requirements of our customers.
4. Suppliers
Wrekin provides full support to assist our suppliers in the manufacture of products t hat will be offered for sale to customers. To this end, Wrekin assists suppliers on issues relating to product quality and Total Quality Management systems and best practice which by their very nature have consideration for Human Resource, Health & Safety and Environmen impact issues.
Wrekin Products Limited recognises the work of the Ethical Trading Initiative and embodies the criteria of the 'ETI Base Code' in supplier auditing. Wrekin suppliers are required to write and build this criterion into their management systems.