My Wrekin

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External contacts


Name Job title Phone number Email Region
Ricky Hasprey Sales Director 07951 750 922 National
Sean Lanagan National Sales Manager 07960 130 179 National
Andy Thomas Senior Contractor
Development Manager
07904 593 255 National
Dave Sanders Head of Technical Sales 07794 655 531 North East, Scotland,
Northern Ireland and ROI
David Mitchell Regional Sales Manager 07985 761 346 North East, Scotland,
Northern Ireland and ROI
Carolyn Cleaver Regional Sales Manager 07961 149 862 Central & North England,
West Midlands
Jamie Keleher Regional Sales Manager 07976 330 573 Central and South East
Haydn Probert Regional Sales Manager 07496 294 391 South West

Internal contacts

Name Job title Phone number Email Region
Dave Perrin Direct Sales 01543 440 421 North East, Scotland,
Northern Ireland and ROI
Mark Gretton Stock Sales 01543 440 431 North East, Scotland,
Northern Ireland and ROI
Louise Floyd Direct Sales 01543 440 417 Central & North England
Verena Benbow Stock Sales 01543 440 424 Central & North England
Abigail Smith Direct Sales 01543 440 419 West Midlands, South West
Joe Jewkes Stock Sales 01543 440 449 West Midlands, South West
Connor Clissett Direct Sales 01543 440 446 Central and South East
James Hunt Stock Sales 01543 440 427 Central and South East