My Wrekin

Screw locking instructions for Wrekin D400 & E600 manhole covers


The below locking provisions are provided on all Wrekin Tristar, Highway, Unite and Hercules manhole covers.

The cover and frame can be drilled and tapped in 2 locations as shown below.

Screw locking can be provided as a factory fitted item. Please advise our sales team of your requirements at point of order.

Locking locations

Drill size guide

Bolt size Drill size Hex key size
M16 14.5mm 14mm

Step 1

Drill through the cover and frame with an appropriate sized drill bit.

Wrekin locking process image 1

Step 2

Drill through cover with appropriate clearance drill bit.

Wrekin locking process image 2

Step 3

Tap frame with appropriate hand tap.

Wrekin locking process image 3

Step 4

Place washer over bolt, apply grease to bolt and lock using appropriate hex key.

Wrekin locking process image 4
Locking bolt in place