My Wrekin
Access cover being installed

Specifying Products under BS EN 124


The BS EN 124 standard serves as a general guide for determining the stability of products, and it outlines the parameters for different classes of products in terms of static load tests. However, it doesn't offer much specific information about the dynamic loads that various traffic conditions on modern road systems can impose. 

In most cases, choosing a product is a simple process, but we have found that certain conditions require extra care when making a selection. Since BS EN 124 doesn't provide much guidance on selecting products under dynamic loads, we have developed the details shown below, which covers areas where products may be subjected to extreme loads.

In each scenario shown here, a product of high specification should be considered:

Dual carriageways

Location Details
Dual carriageways High-speed traffic increases the impact loading on castings, and deceleration areas such as roundabouts can be particularly aggressive.



Location Details
Rounadabouts Turning vehicles encourage movement between the cover/grate and frame and can increase wear. Gully grates are particularly vulnerable at clipping points.    


Hard shoulders

Location Details
Hard shoulders Any changes in traffic flow, necessary to accommodate maintenance work or emergencies, can result in units being required to accept loadings and conditions for which they may not have been intended.    


Traffic lights

Location Detaails
Traffic lights Acceleration, deceleration and turning all increase the stress on ironwork.


Bus routes

Location Details
Bus routes The pulling into the kerb or lay-by and braking of buses result in gratings being required to accept loadings not experienced through normal traffic.


Traffic calming

Location Details
Traffic calming The installation of traffic islands and narrowing of roads to slow traffic will increase the vulnerability of gully grates to clipping.    


Narrow lanes

Location Details
Narrow lanes Width restriction of traffic can lead to road castings being heavily trafficked, particularly on bend clipping points. Gully grates are particularly vulnerable.


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