With the publication of BS EN 124:1994 “Gully Tops and Manhole Tops for Vehicle and Pedestrian Areas” and the simultaneous withdrawal of its UK-dedicated predecessor BS 497, the UK market believed that there was a need to derive an advisory British-only standard which could adequately bridge the difference and perceived deficiencies between the new BS EN 124 and old BS 497.
The result was BS7903:1997 which became the advisory standard and included prescriptive information to guide UK manufacturers and specifiers alike. That same year, Highways England co-sponsored a University of Nottingham research project which provided a long-awaited scientific basis for more-effective chamber/gully top construction and design. The findings from this research project provided the foundation for derivation of subsequent Highways Agency DMRB chamber top and gully top-related advice notes such as HA 104/02 & 09.
With the release of HA104/02 (with 09 to follow) and its respected pedigree, BS 7903:1997 became generally superfluous as there were some common subject areas that the HA document addressed in a more effective way, as well as its inclusion of foundation advice.
However, BS 7903 still remained as the reference document for chamber/gully top design features such as lifting key and keyways and frame flange web/gussets, which BS EN 124 contained no provision for.
Since the release of the Highway Agency’s chamber top related documents, further WRc research crucially identified that foundation issues were the main cause of premature highway installation failure, and that these issues were strongly influenced by chamber/gully top design features and the foundation materials that were selected to operate in conjunction with them.
Further service experience of improved product design, installation materials and practice has served to identify other previously unacknowledged factors involved in premature installation failure. Narrative on this has now been provided within the latest revision of BS 7903:2020 and is just one of the reasons for its introduction.