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New Head of Technical Sales represents new direction

Having joined us in 2016 as a regional sales manager before returning in 2021 as senior national contracts manager, following a period away from the business, Dave Sanders’ new position as head of technical sales will see him working more closely with local authorities and water companies across the country.

Describing the new direction, Dave said: “My new role is specific to our iron product offering and involves organising a more comprehensive strategy towards forging relationships with new customers and strengthening ties with existing ones.

The goal is to better understand our customers’ procurement processes so we can identify the pain points that we can help with. We’re already supplying customers with various offerings, but my new role reflects a doubled effort to optimise processes.

Dave Sanders

Wrekin Products Ltd.

“Since December 2022, I’ve been assessing our work with local authorities and water utilities, understanding where in this space we’ve thrived and where there are more opportunities. Predominantly, the change is going to be about developing new ways to work with them and succeed with them. Whether those relationships are improved through product trials or framework appointments, we want our offering to be as flexible and bespoke as possible.”

With almost 20 years of experience in this industry, both at Wrekin and elsewhere, Dave states that this is the role he has looked forward to the most.

He continued: “The scope of this position covers a lot, and that’s what draws me to it. We’ve got a really experienced and creative team at Wrekin and we’re flexible to our client’s needs. If they have a problem, we produce the solution to fix it.

Strengthening relationships also puts us in a position to fix the problems our partners don’t know they have. It’s about streamlining and optimisation on both sides so that we can work better together. Our company ethos and motto is ‘make every day better’, and this new direction is one example of its application.”