My Wrekin
Wrekin ESG Report '23-'24

ESG Report 2023-2024

We are excited to share our ESG report for the period of 2023 to 2024. This report outlines the initiatives we have undertaken in respect of environment, social and governance.

Environmental Initiatives

Our commitment to the environment has never been stronger. We have implemented several initiatives aimed at reducing our carbon footprint, improving energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable practices. These include:

  • Energy Efficiency: We have upgraded our facilities with energy-efficient equipment, resulting in significant energy savings.
  • Waste Management: We have implemented a comprehensive waste management program, which includes recycling and composting efforts.

Social Initiatives

We believe in giving back to our community and have undertaken several social initiatives:

  • Employee Wellbeing: All job descriptions have been reviewed and a comprehensive bi-annual staff review is now in place. In all, over 260 of HR training have been undertaken since our previous ESG report in ’21-’22.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion within our organization and have implemented policies and programs to support this commitment as part of our recruitment process.

Governance Initiatives

Good governance is at the heart of our operations. We promote governance through our core business values and have implemented several initiatives to ensure accountability and ethical conduct:

  • Straightforward: We are committed to maintaining a straightforward approach to our operations. We promote this through our transparent approach and have implemented measures to ensure that all stakeholders are well-informed about our activities.
  • Accountability: We have established clear lines of accountability within our organization to ensure that all our activities are carried out responsibly.

We are proud of the progress we have made in our ESG initiatives and are committed to continuing our efforts in the future. We believe that by working together, we can make a positive impact on our planet and our communities.