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Reducer ring now available

Our 450mm to 350mm diameter reducer ring is now available. This simple accessory promotes health and safety and aids compliance with Part H of the Building Regulations.

A reducer ring provides a second line of defence against chambers being accessed by unauthorised people or potential falls if accidentally left uncovered.

Restricting access to manhole covers has long been a legal requirement to provide protection over the life of the manhole top, but has often been overlooked. To enable scheme designers and contractors to comply with the safety requirements of new developments, our reducer ring ensures compliance with Part H of the Building Regulations and Sewers for Adoption (’The Code’).

Reducer ring

All manholes need to be protected before, during and after project completion, with a particular focus right now on ensuring that the vast numbers of partially constructed projects aren’t leaving chambers vulnerable to safety issues.

Gosia Kwapisz

Product Manager, Wrekin Products

Part H of the Building Regulations (2010) clearly states that any new manhole, with a depth measuring greater than 1.2m from the cover to the invert of the chamber, shall have access restricted to 350mm.

We now offer 350mm reducer rings for 450mm openings. Furthermore, Version 2.1 of The Code (May 2021) also continues to require that manhole tops mounted on chambers more than 1m deep, to pipe soffit of the chamber, restrict the frame opening access.

Wrekin’s new chamber reducer ring accessory provides the restricted access needed for adoptable inspection chambers. It is designed to fit a wide range of our Highway and Tristar access covers, the ring is straight forward to install and features a non-return catch that locks them in place for peace of mind. What’s more, they can be factory fitted to avoid confusion on site.

For sites that have neglected to specify a restriction device, it is not too late to rectify, thanks to our solution you can retrofit reducer rings to standard Wrekin manhole cover frames, allowing customers to be confident that they can make their scheme compliant in future if they happen to overlook installation of these safety accessories when the cover is first put in place.