My Wrekin

Potholes - More Than a Surface Issue white paper

Helping Local Authorities find solutions to the UK's pothole problem

Newly updated for 2024

As the first edition of our industry report stated when we launched it last year, billions of pounds are spent each year on tackling the UK’s pothole crisis - and 12 months on, a fresh approach is still clearly needed.

The latest figures on the cost of repairing the country’s roads are stark - and becoming worse. According to this year’s annual ALARM report by the Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA), roads in England and Wales are at ‘breaking point’ - literally and figuratively.

Two million potholes were filled over the last year, up more than 40% from 1.4m on the previous year. That’s the equivalent to one every 16 seconds, which it says is adding to the existing ‘patchwork’ of previous repairs.

Wrekin has been at the forefront of highlighting the need to address the root causes of surface failures and failing ironwork. We are delighted by the ongoing success of our report in raising awareness and the positive feedback we have received. We have held numerous rewarding conversations with key stakeholders from local authorities and utility companies on whole life cost, whole life carbon, and increasing sustainability of ironwork installations.

Gully gratings, manhole covers and pothole formations are often interlinked and we encourage you to read the latest edition of our whitepaper to see how we can work together to tackle this long-lasting and expensive national issue.

Pothole whitepaper

Potholes - More than a surface issue

Fill in your details below to receive your free copy of the report and discover how ironwork specifications can be linked to pothole formation and what features you should look for to mitigate the problem.

Listen to the Podcast

Tune in! We've recently united forces with IKO, the minds behind Pacopatch and Public Sector Executive on this crucial conversation in the PSE Podcast.

We explore innovative, modern, long-term solutions to revolutionise the UK's road network. Together we're empowering local authorities to deliver safer, smoother roads for every UK road user at a lower whole-life cost. Join us as we pave the way to a better future on the road.

Artwork for PSE podcast


You can listen to episode 62, "Changing mindsets" of the Public Sector Executive podcast on all good podcast apps by searching for Public Sector Executive Podcast or online by clicking below:

Listen now!

It doesn't have to be this way

Every 16seconds a pothole is filled.

at a total cost of £143.5 million.

2million potholes repaired in 23/24

totalling 60,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions produced by repairing potholes in 23/24.

30kg of CO2 emitted to repair a pothole

each time an access cover is cut out to repair or replace.

30% reduction in structural life

Insights from local authorities ◤ Industry analysis ◤ Efficient solutions

Potholes across the UK’s road and highway network are a real problem. In fact, road incidents caused by pothole related damage in June 2023 were at their worst for five years, according to the AA Pothole Tracker.

But did you know ironwork specification and selection can affect and even increase the likelihood of a pothole forming?

Potholes will continue to be an even greater concern in the coming colder months due to the harsher weather conditions putting additional stress on asphalt surfaces.

Our updated report explores;

  • Some of the ways in which potholes are caused
  • Identifies links to ironwork (both gully grates and manhole covers)
  • What features of ironwork can increase the likelihood of pothole formation 
  • The changing road landscape with increased bus lanes and cycle routes
  • How local authorities and industry bodies are tackling the issue, and
  • Suggests solutions you should be looking for when specifying ironwork.
